How To Build Financial Confidence.
Having talked to thousands of people about money matters and finance, I have found that most people lack financial confidence.
One may ask, why this is? The simple answer is with a question, “Where, or even when, did you learn about money or finances?” Most answer this question with a “never” or maybe “when I got my first paycheck.”
Neither of those answers are very good answers but they are probably true. I guess the best way to think about this is that you tend to build confidence in activities that you spend a lot of time or effort in, or find joy in doing. This could be anything, like relationships, hobbies, sports, etc.; you get the point. Time spent or invested in that endeavor develops your confidence.
But the problem is that most people feel or find money matters to be confusing or even overwhelming.
I can see how that could be. Often this topic is thrust in your face where ever you look—on the radio, the news or talks with friends or co-workers. Many times the topics are generalized and really not applicable to your specific situation.
I’m here and in business to tell you that every America should learn about how to control their money. What does the word control mean? The power to influence or direct. Most may think they control their finances but when you look at the situation, their finances are controlling them.
So you may be thinking how do I go about taking control of my finances?
First, have a plan. You may be thinking, “How do I develop a plan to control my finances if I have no clue what to do or where to start?” Get advice from a professional! Since you are reading this article, I will be that professional.
Step 1 Gather all your financial documents; click here for our Client Profile Fact Finder.
Step 2 Develop a plan to get out of debt or at least a plan to control the outflow for debt. Click here for our 1-page Analysis Worksheet.
Step 3 Have an inventory of your assets.
Step 4 Have a plan laid out showing you what your current situation looks like if you continue your current path.
Step 5 Have a plan with some corrective measures to control your finances to the end goal you seek.
Step 6 Monitor frequently.
These six steps may not seem like rocket science, which is the point of this article. Controlling your finances isn’t rocket science, but is about control and having the team in place to help you control.
Hiring an Asset Coach and Tax Strategist (personal CFO) is one way to get you going in the right direction.
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