Radiologist Achieves $340,000 in Tax Savings with Terra Firma 

The story: An east coast radiologist had tried many ways to lower his taxes and offset his high W2 income, but the strategies he’d deployed hadn’t worked well. He knew that he was doing some of the right things – investing in real estate, starting an LLC – but something was still missing.

“I’d been seeing videos online about these things for about a year, and I kept wondering, ‘why am I not doing something more proactive about this?’” 

Tax situation overview:

Annual income: $1,250,000

Lifestyle expense: $240,000

Cash flow recovery number: $1,010,000

Initial federal tax rate: 32%

Annual tax savings: $340,000 

The outcome: Terra Firma created a strategic tax plan that structured the member’s existing assets correctly and invested excess income into alternative assets. This created a lower tax liability, preferred returns, and additional passive income. He was also able to move forward with the purchase of an airplane he’d been planning to buy, incorporating this into his overall tax plan and fully leveraging the deductions and depreciation available.